THERE ARE PLENTY OF delicious Brain-Boosting Foods to chose from. If you can,  grow your own - especially the leafy greens, as it is very difficult to remove the chemical residue from them. If you have to buy them, wash in apple cider vinegar and rinse thoroughly.

Rule number one that you must follow is that you NEVER shop in the central aisles of the supermarket.
The only things you will be buying are fresh whole foods, and oils. Anything in a packet will exacerbate chronic inflammation in the body.

The whole point of this exercise is to remove anything that may cause an adverse reaction. Food additives, 

• Vegetables
five to six servings a day and avoid starch vegetabes like potatoes, turnips, yams etc. Also, avoid the nightshades, like tomato and eggplant, Only ever eat fresh tomatoes.

leafy greens: lettuces, English spinach, rocket, corn salad, Swiss chard, silverbeet, celery, fennel

cruciferous veggies: broccoli, watercress, kale, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflowers 

lillies: onions, garlic, chives, spring onions 

fruiting annuals: avocado, bell peppers, string beans, peas, egg plant, zucchini and all marrows, cucumbers 

root vegetables: carrots, beetroot.

• Fruit 
two servings a day. Too much fruit can send your blood sugar spiking, so try to stick to two daily servings and must eat the whole fruit.

Do NOT juice.

apples, apricots, berries, citrus fruits, grapes, kiwi, melons,

• Fish 
Two to three servings a week of preferably oil fish.

herring, mackerel, halibut, sardines, salmon, bass, cod, trout, lobster, snapper, sole, etc.

• Meat
Avoid red meat. If you must have it, chose kangaroo or grass fed only animals, as as it will not be likely to be fed GM corn or contain oestrogens. Avoid eating animals that have been commercially raised on commercial feeds, especially anything grown for meat. Best to raise your own. 

chicken, turkey, quails, pigeons, goat, kangaroo etc.

• Eggs and Dairy
Up to six to eight eggs a week and up to two daily servings of dairy.

Free range eggs, home made cottage cheese , unsweetened yogurt, full cream milk, butter 

• Seeds, Nuts, and Nut Butters 
One serving of nuts and one serving of seeds daily

walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds

• Grains and Breads 
one to two daily servings Note: Whole grain products contain the word 'whole', not 'enriched'.
Swap to sprouted bread and completely remove white processed flour form your diet.

whole grains, sprouted grains, steel cut oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, quinoa, basmati brown rice, semolina, millet

• Legumes 
one to two daily servings but be very careful to soak the beans and wash in many rinses of water, and they can cause very painful gas. Take particular care and remove from your diet if they cause gas. This can cause inflammation.

lentils, beans, chickpeas, lima beans, pink beans, navy beans, cranberry beans, red beans, black beans, white beans, pinto beans, great, northern beans, kidney beans

• Herbs and Spices

garlic, curcumin, cinnamon, basil, oregano, rosemary, tarragon, etc. Go easy on the salt.

• Oils
Olive oil, macadamia nut oil, avocado oil, coconut oil

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